Monday, May 31, 2010


Dana Boyd's podcast of Social Networking gave some interesting facts. Social networking has become a place that most teens have turned to. Years ago children and teens could freely roam with others out in the neighborhood. Now, children and teens are isolated, with occasionally a play date or organized sports and activities. Because of this they are turning to electronic communication; text messaging, tweeter, IM's and Facebook to replace face to face interaction. They need to social stimulation and Social Networks are fulfilling the void. Teens can meet people not only in there backyards but from the other side of the world. "Globalization"

Social networks are here and they are getting more popular by the day. Because of this, teachers and schools need to look at them further. Social networks have come up with many application for education to enhance learning in a new way. Of course, there needs to be set rules and guidelines for students and teacher to follow to prevent dangers. Dangers such as bulling, cyber predators and damaging reputations.

We are in the "World of Socialnomics".

Second Meeting on Second Life

Last night was my second meeting on Second Life with Professior Oyama Maroon and Lexie Grayman. I took the group to a few of the places I mention in my last blog. The Wall of China, Okapi the Archaeology Research Island and Speech - Language and Hearing Science Island. It was fun showing them some new places, can't wait for the next time.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Second Life

Second Life Avatar's name is Komori Li.

This is not my first time on second life, I've been here before. In the past I have only used second life for the social aspect. Meeting people, working on my avatar, shopping, attending live concerts and dance clubs.

This is my first time exploring the educational side of second life. I have found it very interesting and I can see how second life could be a great way to hold online classes. It would give students the ability to interact with other classmate, much like a real classroom. With live chat sessions, podcast, tools and experiments, their could be endless possibilities.

During my second life explorations I have found some interesting places that I would like to share. The first link is for China Sichuan - Land of the Great Wall The second is Okapi, this is a archaeology research and educational island The 3rd is the Speech - Language and Hearing Science Island

I'm looking forward to discovering more places during my time on SL.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Social Networking 3

The social network site I took a look at was Avatars United. It interested me because I am a big online gamer and I have played a number of online games over the last 12 years. When you arrive at the website it looks very user friendly, not a lot on the page to confuse you. The site is a community for MMO (massive multiplayer online) avatars to create profiles for your virtual world avatars, interact with friends and install social MMO applications. The page list popular world such as: World of Warcraft, Eve Online, Second Life, Age of Conan, Guild Wars and The Lord of the Rings Online, all the online games I have played.

To sign up you just type in your email address and create a password. Next you are sent an email with a link to click on to activate your account. You click on the link and it brings you to a page that you select your world (game), realm, avatar name and than choose a URL. But when I click the next button it does nothing. I did manage to get through using second life and my second life name. The profile page looks very similar to a facebook page. After looking around at the site, it seems to be more of a second life network than all the other games listed on the front page. All and all, I was a little disappointed with the network.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Social Networking 2

Social networking describes the process of connecting individuals via friends, relatives, and acquaintances--a person's "personal network." These networks can then branch out and allow friends to connect with people inside their accepted social circle, allowing for a perceived greater sense of security, compared to someone perceived as being anonymous and random.

Social networking emerged as a phenomenon in 2003, allowing the newly populous Internet to serve as both a buffer and a safety net for introduction to friends by friends once possible only in person. This type of social interaction on the Internet is a logical extension of the blog and Instant Messaging phenomena: blogs allow for a more community of personal inquiry and thought while IM systems allow for only accepted users to chat. There are hybrids, however, such as the concept of FriendBlogs, which combines social networking with blogging."

What is Social Networking? Eleven Marketing. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Social Networking

Social Networking is a way to communicate and connect with people, friends and others all over the world, through the Internet using emails, instant messaging and websites. A social network can be interaction between a group of people who share a common interest.

Social Networking potential sites for education. The potential is there, but the risk of student harassment and bullying is very high. Students need to be taught how to behave on the Internet, just as they are taught how to behave in the classroom. Rules and guideline would have to be enforced.

My First Blog

Here it goes, my first blog. I'm so excited to finally learn what this is all about. I don't know if I will ever have anything interesting to blog about, but I will know how it's